Elementary School Math

Thank you for visiting our West Windsor-Plainsboro Elementary Mathematics Program Page!

“Every time we learn, our brains form, strengthen, or connect neural pathways. We need to replace the idea that learning ability is fixed, with the recognition that we are all on a growth journey.”  - Jo Boaler, Limitless Mind, p. 13.

Math Equity Statement

ALL learners should have access to rigorous, high-level mathematical content in an environment where risk-taking, deep conceptual understanding, and growth mindset are the norm.

Elementary Mathematics

Elementary mathematics is more than just the basic facts. Students develop an understanding of concepts, procedures, and applications of mathematics as well as develop fluency with numbers and operations. Together, these elements support a student’s ability to learn and apply more demanding mathematics concepts in middle and high school. O’Connell (2016) points out that reading is more than phonics and just because a person can name sight words does not mean they can read. The same applies in mathematics and we must move beyond the basics (memorizing facts and algorithms) to help our students develop deep conceptual understanding, think like mathematicians, and apply that learning to new situations (O’Connell, 2016).  

Math Workshop

Math workshop is a model of instruction that allows all students to be engaged in the mathematics, provide space for reflection, and for all students to realize their abilities as mathematicians. Math workshop model provides the structures for student choice, problem solving, targeted small group instruction, time throughout the year to practice the critical concepts of the grade level (Lempp, 2017).  

For students, our classrooms need to be places where they are comfortable taking intellectual risks. In From Reading to Math, Sienna (2009) outlines four values to support students in taking risks and creating discourse.  The values are:

  • Value the thinking process as well as correct answers.

  • Value problems for which more than one answer is possible.

  • Value inquisitive responses.

  • Value tolerance for mistakes.   (Siena, 2009, p. 68).


Math workshop allows for these values to come through creating a supportive, collaborative learning environment for all students.  

Please see the link to the right for additional elementary math resources.

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