
Reminder to parents/caregivers: Alternate transportation requests do not carry over from year to year. Students are entitled to one seat, on one bus, morning and afternoon. This applies to joint custody situations as well. 

Friday, Aug. 23, at 12 p.m. is the cutoff time to submit any transportation changes (e.g., alternate pickups/drop off locations, etc.). Any change submitted after this date will not go into effect until Sept. 16 (or later depending on the date of submission.). **

If you have moved, be sure to update your address with the registrar, before  Aug. 22, 2024to ensure there is no interruption to bus service. Please, contact the District Central registrar for information on how to update your address. 

Tips if you have questions on the first day of school:

 *Bus pass information for the 2024-25 school year will be available after 5 p.m. Friday, Aug. 23, 2024. Please print your child’s bus pass, and have them carry it in their backpack. 

*Arrive at your bus stop 10 minutes prior to scheduled time, to ensure no last minute rushing and running to the stop.

*Be patient while waiting! We know you are excited! However, fluctuations in schedules do happen, due to road conditions, detours, accidents, traffic volume…... If your child has waited longer than 10 minutes and the scheduled pickup time has passed; call our office to check for an update on the location of the vehicle. Do not call the office if it has been less than 10 minutes. Calling too soon ties up the phone lines unnecessarily. Also, if you are calling from a group bus stop location, designate one person to be the caller. If the whole group calls at the same time, we aren’t able to help answer your questions efficiently! 

*Children will be assigned a permanent seat within the first two weeks of school. They must sit in the same seat every day. 

*Lost items on buses, if found, will be held by the driver at the front of the bus. Have your child speak to the driver the next time that they ride, so they may claim their item.

*If you don’t plan on having your child ride the bus, and instead wish to transport on your own, please notify the transportation dept. We will make note of the information in your child’s record. When you wish to resume transportation, just give us a call, (and three days’ notice) and we will reinstate your child on the bus. 

WW-P Transportation

The West Windsor-Plainsboro Regional School District has a busy and detailed bus system for students. The Transportation Department is located at 505 Village Road West, West Windsor, New Jersey 08550.

Transportation, Coordinator 
Mary Pierson, 609-716-5570

Transportation, Assistant Coordinator
Kathleen Wagenblast, 609-716-5570

FAX:  609-716-5169

Telephone System
To access information from the WW-P Transportation Telephone System, please call 609-716-5570. Here is a listing of the information available on the telephone system:

1: Emergency School Closing or Delay Information
2: Staff Directory
3: Bus Pass Information; Bus Stop Location Information; Field or Athletic Trip Information; Non-public or Private School Information; Immediate or Emergency Assistance; and To Report a Transportation Issue.

It is the goal of the West Windsor-Plainsboro Regional School District to provide safe and efficient transportation for all eligible students. The district provides transportation to and from school in accordance with district Board policy 8600. It is the policy of the Board to make a further distinction on the basis of grade level to define a remote distance as beyond one-half mile for students in primary schools; one mile for students in upper elementary schools and middle schools; and one and one-half miles for students in high schools.

The Transportation Department receives many requests for bus/stop changes.  These requests must be for safety reasons only, accompanied with the request application found on the district web site, and approved by the Transportation Coordinator. All requests must be submitted in writing and will be handled case by case as they are received. Any change in transportation arrangements due to change of address must be submitted to Central Registration; no exceptions can be made. Please click on a link on the left side of the page for more information about bus information, bus safety, and bus forms.

Any concerns/complaints should be forwarded to the Transportation Department by e-mail or telephone at the number listed above. Please be patient as all concerns/complaints are handled as they are received and require investigating.

Bus Changes

Please allow a minimum of three to five business days to process approved changes. All Alternate Transportation Requests must be for five days a week; there are no exceptions. Changes will appear on your Genesis account as soon as the changes are completed with the effective date of the change. Please note that bus drivers are not permitted to make changes to bus routes or stops without prior approval of the Transportation Coordinator. Also, students are only permitted to ride on the bus to which they have been assigned; students cannot change buses for any personal matters.

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