Grades 4-5 G&T

Grades 4-5 Gifted & Talented

Village School
Grades 4-5 Gifted & Talented Resource Specialist
Dr. Michelle Falanga, 609-716-5000, extension 5541

Millstone River School
Grades 4-5 Gifted & Talented Resource Specialist
Dr. Shannon Grey, 609-716-5000, extension 5534

In WWPRSD, Gifted & Talented (G&T) programming fosters self-discovery by providing opportunities for students to explore their academic and creative talents within and beyond the classroom.  Students' abilities, needs, and interests are identified in order to provide broad reaching and targeted experiences that support growth.  To that end, the G&T Teacher Resource Specialists work in collaboration with classroom teachers to provide learning experiences and resources that support differentiated instruction. 

In addition, G&T programming provides enrichment opportunities for 4th and 5th grade students through E.C.H.O., which stands for Exploration, Creativity, Humanity, Opportunity.  E.C.H.O. is interdisciplinary programming that goes beyond the curriculum and is open to ALL students who are interested in participating. Teacher Resource Specialists for G&T introduce E.C.H.O. to each 4th and 5th grade homeroom, and explain how students may get involved. This self-selected opportunity is part of the regular school day.

In all of the E.C.H.O. options students will have opportunities to collaborate with peers outside of their grade and classroom.  They’ll be encouraged to develop and share their thoughts, discuss big ideas, make global connections, experience multiple perspectives, build self-awareness, plan, revise and create.  A key goal of E.C.H.O. is to support students in deepening their understanding of themselves and others. 

The intent of all G&T programming is to honor the "whole child, every child" in recognizing diverse, individual student needs, and supporting the development of global competencies in keeping with the District Strategic Goals.

Please contact the Teacher Resource Specialists directly for more information.

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