HSS 2024 Washington Seminar is scheduled for March 6-8, 2024.
Attention all parents and students attending HSS Washington Seminar trip from March 6-March 8.
- On Feb. 27, there is a mandatory parent meeting at HSS in the Playhouse at 7 p.m. to discuss all of the particulars of the trip and expectations for the students.
- On Feb. 28, there is a mandatory student meeting at HSS in the Playhouse during lunch to discuss all of the particulars of the trip and expectations for the students.
- March 5, starting at 5 p.m. and ending at 6 p.m. is luggage check for Washington Seminar. Please bring all luggage with you to be checked at HSS in the Freshman Commons. Medications should have already been turned over to the nurse at this time so that she may administer them on the trip. Students may not administer their own medications while on the trip.
All students will need their student ID or Driver's License/Passport for identification purposes to some buildings while in DC.
For questions, please contact coordinators Nadra Galazin and Matthew Coburn.